Baren-suji is the online newsletter of [Baren]; The International Forum for Woodblock Printmaking. The official internet site of [Baren] is http://barenforum.org Baren-suji are the marks left by the baren when printing. Similarly, this newsletter assumes the role of recording the marks left by the woodblock printmakers that constitute [Baren].
Friday, July 29, 2005
Continuing Maria's Project Puzzle Info
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Maria's Puzzle Project on Exhibit
Click on the image for an enlargement...
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The first of the Rodeo Bulls...
Safety-Kut in pthalo blue on lavender unryu.
Annie F.
"Blueberry Wine"
Woodblock Webcam - Mystery Guest!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Flavia's Unicorn
I'm computer literate! Well, at least I'm trainable. ;-> Thanx to Juio I was able to upload this woodcut, another viscosity print. Here I played with a yellow-gold and a dark green, with red for the handprint. Another in my Paleo-Mythos Series of mythical cave beasts.
Ellen Shipley, CA
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Me and Paleo-Phoenix
I'm a 53 year old neophite. I stumbled into printmaking while taking art classes at my local community college. Five semesters later, I'm hopelessly hooked. I'm slowly acquiring my own tools and supplies for when they eventually kick me out of the class, and recently I bought a friend's press.
I have a thing for paleo art, and I have a series I call Paleo-Mythos, a series of mythical beasts on cave walls. Paleo-Phoenix is from that series. Here I was experimenting with viscosity inks. (That is, if I've done this right...)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Annie Fitt - a little introduction to my work
Click on any images below for full-size
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Trial proof : Medieval Rooftop : Gainsborough : Lincolnshire : UK
A medieval kitchen roof with a cantilevered sky light chimney : Gainsborough Old Hall, Lincolnshire.
Birch plywood 20cm x 22cm on Kanoko paper using Lawrence linseed oil.
This is the fourth study in a series of the Gainsborough Old Hall in Lincolnshire. I started the series after distributing the Baren leaflets to the Arts Centre and as I left the Arts officer proposed that I hold an exhibition of woodprints. Flabbergasted, I asked what sort of subject matter the patrons were interested in. He implied that they seldom had local studies, so off I went to review this magnificent hall : a meeting place of the Pilgrim Fathers before they left to the New World and where John Wesley preached a sermon to ‘a rude, wild multitude’.
Lincoln : UK
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
<u>Graphic Chemical & Ink Open house & Warehouse Sale</u>
Contact Dean Clark
Graphic Chemical & Ink Company 728 North Yale Avenue Villa Park, IL 60181 USA
phone: 800-465-7382 630-832-6004 fax: 630-832-6064 email: sales@graphicchemical.net web: http://www.graphicchemical.com/
Tengu are the crow-headed humanoids often seen in heroic japanese prints. Melinda, a new baren contributer is suggesting Tengu, or other monsters as an Exchange theme. I think it is a great idea! Read more about Tengu here: Wikipedia. Click on the thumbnail to see the Tengu up close!
This print, with a gaggle of Tengu, is described by Eric van den Ing who runs an internet site selling Japanese prints: Saru Gallery. Eric is also co-author of Beauty and Violence, the classic text on Yoshitoshi:
"The Chinese novel Shuihu zhuan (The Water Margin), known in Japanese as Suikoden, tells of the legendary exploits of a group of Chinese brigands during the Northern Song dynasty (1101-26). It was retold in a popular Japanese novel illustrated by Hokusai, and was the subject of Kuniyoshi's first set of warrior prints in 1827. Although the anti-establishment heroes of the original were very popular, in this set Yoshitoshi departed from the novel and made his own selection of Japanese heroes from history and legend. The series was published at an interesting point in Yoshitoshi’s career. Five years earlier, in 1861, his teacher, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, had died, and this series is evidence of his powers as an independent artist. Kuniyoshi’s influence can still be seen, but on the other hand many designs already point to his future greatness. The chûban (“half-size”) prints were printed two to a sheet and then cut."
Sunday, July 10, 2005
New print from Morris & Wagner!
Friday, July 8, 2005
Eiichi Kotozuka print style
This oban sized print is dated 1936 and belongs to the series; "Hana Goju Dai no Uchi", Fifty Flowers, designed by a number of Kyoto artists and published by Unsodo. The blocks for this print were carved by Kotozuka, but printing may have been arranged by the publisher, who probably kept ownership of the blocks. All prints from this series carry the geometric border and were sold in a presentation folder.
With this series the artists were keen to demonstrate the new expressive Sosaku Hanga techniques. in this print the bare paper of the composition is well suited to feature the organic mottled print textures. To achieve this atenashi effect the block and washi paper are quite damp and the baren is used sparingly. The leaves and tendrils are printed from three blocks using three tones of the same blue-grey ink. The ink has been diluted with water, and printed without any starch. The darkest tones of blue were reprinted to give accent to the linework. The buttery yellow flowers and red highlights give a little extra spark to the design.
Kotozuka went on to do landscapes and more designs of plants. He is probably best known for his bamboo and cherry designs for Uchida, which continue to be reprinted. More designs can be seen if you follow this link:
artelino archives
Thursday, July 7, 2005
Exhibit by Maria Arango
Gallery at Liberty Pointe 250 S. Green Valley Parkway Henderson, NV
August 8th - September 16 Reception August 10th, 7-8pm.
Also Van-Go Clark County Cultural Transportation vans will sport Maria's artwork through 2005
Maria' Schedule of Festivals for Summer of 2005: July 9 & 10 - Lake Tahoe Festival of Fine Arts Middle School on Lake Tahoe Blvd. South Lake Tahoe CALIFORNIA (just South of NEVADA border) July 29-31 - SUMMERFEST Flagstaff Festival in the Pines Presented by The Events Group, Inc Ft. Tuthill Fairgrounds - Flagstaff ARIZONA August 5, 6 & 7 - 36th Annual Park City Kimball Arts Festival Park City Historic Main Street - Park City UTAH www.kimball-art.org September 3, 4 & 5 - Kings Mountain Art Fair Skyline Blvd - Kings Mountain - Woodside CALIFORNIA www.kingsmountainartfair.org
Baren Puzzle Exhibit in New York
July 16 - July 28, 2005
Donnell Library Center W.53 St. New York, NY
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Chicago area Bareners welcome Barbara Mason
Santorini: 312-829-8820 800 W. Adams St. Chicago, IL
A map and directions are available by clicking here
Monday, July 4, 2005
Okiie Hashimoto print style
I would like to share this beautiful little print and try to uncover some of the techniques used in it. If you click on the thumbnail you can see an image that is close to actual size.
The print was issued in 1975 with a small German museum catalogue in an edition of 1000. Hashimoto (1899-93) was 75 and still going strong. He has a free flowing carving style and here he makes his 7 blocks in a rather relaxed manner. Small irregularities remain where they add to the feel of the print. The colours overlap generously. he uses a watery ink, probably without starch, to get his neutral tones. The brown on the temple roof may have been wiped from the block to show the grain of the block. The grey sumi is very soft with a nice ito-bokashi along the bottom of the brick work seen in the white wall. The black ink is printed over the colour in most parts, with only the red partly removed, it also has mica added to give just the occasional glimmer of light. The colour is superbly balanced, with beautiful vibrant shades nestled in with the black.
Any other comments about this print, or the Hashimoto style? Tom
Friday, July 1, 2005
Test to see if we can link Webcams!
(From Dave)
Well, Julio connected my Webcam to this blog page, so perhaps there will be a boost in the number of viewers now!
For those new to the Woodblock Webcam, please note that this is not 'real' full-motion video. Although the image is being picked up by a real Sony Handycam, the webcam software is only uploading a snapshot once every eight seconds. When you factor in the time for uploading/re-writing the image file, the most you are going to be able to get is around one new shot every ten seconds or so ... not exactly smooth motion! But for now, at least it should give viewers a feel for the kind of work that I do.
I can mention that just the other day (this is July '05) the installers from NTT arrived at my home and installed an optical-fibre cable for connecting to the net. I'm too buried in work to spend time with it just now, but once I get a chance, I'm going to hunt up some video streaming software and connect it to the camera.
Once that is in place, if you too have a good broadband connection, then the Woodblock Webcam will be giving you a very good view of my work! Please stay tuned ...
Barbara Goes to Chicago
Lux Gallery 3039 N Lincoln Ave Chicago, Illinois
Reception: July 7th, 6:00pm
Regards to all Harry, Lincoln,UK More info. on http://homepage.ntlworld.com/h.french1/GEORGPRINT.htm